Faculty & Staff

There are various Committees working in the college facilities each looking at separate and individual issues. The Committees smoothen the functioning as well as ensure active participation of the students as the authority is delegated to them through the committees.

Administrative Members

Name Designation Contact
Mr. Hemant Chandrakar Chairman 9926158129
Mrs. Tara Chandrakar Director 9926158130
Mrs. Ankita Chandrakar Principal 70002-30041 , 78793-79513

Teaching Staff

S.No. Name Designation Course Joining Date Resume
1. Ansh Chandrakar Asst. Professor PGDCA 10 Feb 2018 Download

Non-Teaching Staff

S.No. Name Designation Course Joining Date Resume
1. Ansh Chandrakar Asst. Professor PGDCA 10 Feb 2018 Download